Saturday, August 26, 2006

The 1st installment of the LAIR REPORT

With various input from student, staff, faculty and some administration casual discussions, I was able to throw this together!


10:00 pm is the official closing time for Lancers' new Student Acitivities' sponsored "The LAIR". This time is as reported verbally via a simple inquiry to the CLC Campus Safety department.
You will find that the Internet connection to the LAIR computers and any WI-FI device connection works GREAT, but stop at exactly 10pm. Get your homework or work SAVED BEFORE then! The LAIR is completely sponsored by and under the control of the Office of Student activities as well as the Office of Student Life, with major help from the CLC Campus Safety, Business and ITS departments.

The installation of the 5 computers was completed by CLC ITS department in time for the LAIR opening computers are connected for Internet-Only access through a WI-FI system - not directly (Ethernet) connected to any school networks per se.

each desktop computer is WI-FI connected, in other words, not through a cable connection.

Each computer is equipped with many goodies that are not normally permitted in the LRC, for example, such as many brands of IM, DVD-ROM and CD-Burner as well as Zip drives and USB ports.

We highly recommend that you bring headphones if you want to stream audio, because even when and if the audio noise currently in the LAIR is fixed, the noise level even after it is fixed will still be somewhat annoying when trying to listen with just the supplied in-monitor speakers.

Security device installation was completed way ahead of schedule for the LAIR's opening.

CLC Maintenance staff, (it is believed, as it may have been out-sourced), installed the AMPle lighting in the LAIR, also well in time.

A cellular repeater was installed on time but coverage was deemed insufficient as to what the customer (CLC patrons and staff) was expecting, so an additional unit was installed on Tuesday or Wednesday in the first opening week to also better improve previously weak cellular coverage in the Lancers' Cafe and general C-wing and B-wing basement areas.

The HDTVs were installed a bit late of the opening, but they are working. The only real problem is that even though ESPNHD is tuned in on one of Monitors - NOTHING is plugged into the HDMI connectors !(BTW, they really are called Monitors, they are not TVs - simply for the fact you cannot simply tune in a local broadcast channel such as Channel 2 Chicago or 6 Milwaukee). This won't matter much, as all these cheap LCD TV's may not be bad, but they all advertise HDTV and yet almost none of them support 1080i resolutions. Why buy an HDTV that will not have native support for the best quality HDTV signals?

All 3 Widescreen HD Monitors are receiving one each of 3 NON-CHANGEABLE channels, ESPNDV (as mentioned), FuseTV, and CNN.


Don't bother trying to install any Music Download software such as Limewire or Bearshare (iTunes SHOULD BE ALLOWED, however - more to come on that later), as the gut engines that should work on your home computer have been rather effectively been quelled for use on the LAIR computers. Actually, installation of any of your own software will probably be automatically weekly or daily uninstalled and you can assume that such installation is not sanctioned yet by any person or department or club of CLC - without prior permission, and it is not likely that any permission will be generally given to students.

Reasonable requests for particular popular software may be forwarded to the Office of Student activities for review, but we cannot guarantee such installations.

By reasonable, we mean something NOT like SIMS or DUKE NUKEM or DOOM - except in some gaming circumstances where the CLC Computer Club might have a LAN party based in the the AIR at some future pont. Although approval may be given for some selections, only ITS department officials will be authorized to complete such installations of software or hardware (So, Please keep your hands outside the "vehicle" at all times, as otherwise those hands may get slapped).

The channels that the TVs are tuned to will remain unchangeable by students or staff at the present time.YOU HAVE: FuseTV, ESPNHD, and CNN NEWS. That is all for now.


If the closing time 10pm is official or deemed to be, then one problem is with the Internet connection cut-off time, there should be a 5 to 10 minute "homework safe" window added to the shut down time. If the closing time is NOT official, then that should be made clear through signs as well the connection closing time adjusted forward. Another problem of operation hours is: the LAIR was closed today, Saturday! 3 students asked me why it was closed. One of them thought they [as a Saturday-only student] were "...being cheated out of the fees..." they pay to support [such things like a student lounge]. This points us in the direction of proper signage, describing not just the rules of pool tables, but Hours of Operation, Rules of the Internet computers, TV rules, and who supports and maintains the area. Pictures of all attendants (and even possibly anyone who might be acting on authority at any time) should be posted as well, so there is no confusion as to whom takes charge when handling acts of stupidity.

Room ambient lighting is very bright. Enough legitimate and verified complaints have come to all appropriate departments about the brightness issues - the power people are in apparent agreement on this issue.

TV audio level(s) is(are) a real problem.

For the TVs that are tuned to HD channel(s), the HDMI I/O is NOT connected! Issues?

1. Possibly a waste of money for a Widescreen HD with NO USE OF HD signal. Actually, one could blame the installation company for not pointing that out before installation, and certainly prior to purchasing - this point should have been covered in any bid documents.
2. Speaking of bids, check this crap out: and

Now I am a little pissed off. The ilo brand is an OFF brand sold through Walmart/Sam Club at Clearance and is total CRAP. Forget using HDMI as the connector is NOT compatible anyway. Ass.

TV mounted height is in affect and effect, too low. Most of the CLC Men's Lancer Basketball Team would be injured off the court just getting up out of their seat if they were sitting too near 2 of the 3 TVs (one is wall-mounted, and does not pose a threat to the future successes of the Lancers Sports Teams).

There are currently no plans to allow what has come to be known as the Student Information Network video signal to be seen on any of the 3 existing monitors in the LAIR. We can easily install what is currently shown on the regular "SIN" TVs throughout other parts of the campus into the new LAIR computers as a screen saver, if desired. I would like that. This plan is fresh and new, and was proposed a few years back to the LRC for daytime screen savers on the LRC computers in their main large room - NOT the testing center computers, of course.

The SIN signal can also be sent to the new LAIR TVs in planned on-off cycles if needed. No plans or requests yet for this, either. I'm not sure I care either way for that.


First of all, since the LAIR is mainly for the students of CLC, the students of CLC should submit ideas for the LAIR as often as they think of them, and forward those ideas at a regularly scheduled SGA meting for a read, then a vote possibly.

By doing this, students may actually become interested in becoming a senator once they see how professionally, peacefully, and quickly Student Governance Association meetings end. Meeting times are biweekly and are posted on the CLC Website and around the ample bulletin boards throughout all the ample CLC campuses.

The excessive lighting will be fixed by the installation and use of a ballast dimmers via CLC Maintenance staff - "ASAP", sources said Tuesday. Our recommendation? ALSO re-circuit the lighting into three dimmable zones, not just one huge zone. My reason? Many types of events will inevitably find their way into the LAIR and being able to dim certain areas for certain events would be desirable. Events like a regularly scheduled movie night.

TV audio output of all TV Monitors can be installed with Audio Limiting devices that should take care of a majority of program volume disparities. Leaving the volume higher so the "those playing pool can hear the music" is a non-solution.


If we were to judge (and we are) the Lancers' Cafe audio installation of 4 years ago and the new LAIR installation (different installing companies) on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest quality; the Cafe install is a 9, and the new LAIR is a 5 or 6.

LAIR: The head-end units connecting the Monitors to actual signals are strapped to various electrical conduit, or insulated Hot-water pipes with cable-ties. Although not strictly against GRayslake or Lake County Fire Code, the wise should check that the plumbing code IS NOT being violated. The head end units are not in a closed equipment rack - thereby adding modifications to the design as unnecessarily problematic. An overall unprofessional installation.

CAFE: The audio levels in Lancers olde tyme Cafe are monitored by automatic level adjustments since installation and very soon "day-part" timing software, both providing for an 800% improvement prior to installation and lack of volume complaints since. Oh, we still get complaints of music choices, but as long as the station remains student-run - which should be the focus of all college music stations - that will not change. But, ultimatums combatted with love and mutual "restekpa" become a soft underbelly waiting to be rubbed.

The placement of the TVs are too low from the ceiling (easily fixed as mentioned) presents another handled issue: important A/V connections are exposed to the "natural" and "unnatural" elements, the problems of which were recently exhibited by one of CLC's own enterprising staff (unconfirmed reports said). There was no malice or effected tampering to be sure - the TV in question still works properly as installed.

The concept of the LAIR is mainly for student use during normal CLC open hours. The concept of TVs located in community rooms such as the LAIR, should be operated in the community way. Many 4 year colleges do so. People near a TV take a vote as to which channel is to be tuned and when - CLC is NOT paying contract fees forcing any particular channel to be played, there is only the obligatory royalty built ino a monthly or annual subscription fee for recieving programming which does not require such commandment. Everyone in the room or a designated attendant decides from minute to minute if need be, for volume level changes. Some automation could help, as it does in Lancers' Cafe.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Steve's promise.

OK. It's official. Actually not today, but since Wednesday.

I got email from Steve telling me that the Power Supply and CPU fan to one of our MPC-brand computers is ordered and should be here in a few days. I believe him.

Now, I just have to show up and let him know I am here and ready to recieve the bounty.

After all, the warranty is up October 23rd, 2006! It was a 5 year warranty. That kind of cool smokes Dell's 4 year warranty! HA!

Way to go. Let's keep up my good work.

Here's the

Lancer's LAIR at the College of Lake County !

Pretty cool, huh?

Almost ready, the NEW CLC Student Lounge dubbed by local Lake County Knights as "Lancer's Lair" - THE place to be when you need to study, or break from study or wait for your next class to start - with 3 pool tables, TVs blaring, computers internetting, and lights BLAZING bright. REALLY bright. So you won't get lost. Lost? Yes. Because this Lair is

H U G E !

The comfy new soft chairs are also

huge !

It's just too damned bad some of those chairs aren't equipped with those cool-curved swing-out mini-desktops: like the one's you'll find in the lower Library Art Gallery Pit. I said Pit.

But, hey, I do my best studying with noise and visual distractions!

Back when I was reaching for the Sky (the limit) to get my AA here at CLC, I would study by the local swim club - all the scanty-clad....never mind. Not a picture you need to concern yourself with. I got A's and B's on those tests. HA!

Whatever - those chicks were HOT. It was, like, 95 deg Fahrenheit outside. DAMN HOT!

Other chair news: Some are regular-sized lower to the floor and others are at "high-tops" and higher above the floor - for those of us who like to dangle our feet like little kids. Heck, even those chairs are comfortable, even though at first gLance you might not think so.

For the Pool table games? BRING QUARTERS; there is NO bill changer yet. (But, here's a trick, go across the hall to a vending machine, put in a dollar, don't purchase, then press the coin return instead - you just might get your dollar back - in QUARTERS! Sometimes, that trick works, Bullwinkle)

For the Internet connected computers? It doesn't cost anything. Yet. Who knows what the "future" might bring. I believe these Super Computers might also be networked together for GAMING! Ooooh. At least, that WAS the plan , and may still BE the plan. Hopefully, the latest GAMES will already be there and INSTALLED. HA!

So Have your FUN and eat it, too! Yes, you can bring your food in there as well. BLISS!

While all of this might sound complicated or confusing, not to worry, for the Office of Student Life will have a sentry posted in the Office of the Lair at all times.

Everything will be ready for enjoyment this Monday!

Steve Dahl & Garry Meier getting all wet at the Beachstro

I have done a bit of "cross-posting" in my own blogs, but HAHA! They're mine!

Is it two 'r's or one?

Are they shaken or stirred?

I can answer that! Steve & Garry are stirring it up, baby! Oh, yeah, I was listening the 'G' - as I like to refer to the Chicago Free-FM Talk Station, WCKG - and Steve saw Gary eating Lunch (like that wasn't pre-planned over the phone sometime ago!) at the Oak Street Beachstro, where the Dahl Crew broadcasts live every Friday now.

When a [female] reporter from Channel 2 News (whom Steve accused of wishing she were at Channel 9 right about now) asked Steve for a short over-the-air interview, Steve mentioned more than five times, "Who's going to pay Gary?". Haw Haw Haw. Steve then, as King Arthur might have done back in the day, went around the table (it might be round?) and asked Wendy, "No", Buzz, "Nope", Stan?

A moment of silence.

Then Stan says, "I'm just lookin to keep my gig.". Haw Haw Haw, laughter all around, the crowd is pleased. But, the laughter sounded more like we were listening to a golf match when Bob Hope said something amusing before taking a putt.

Everyone loves a peek at the race card, when it leads to laughter instead of mayhem, as Stan added, "Whenever two white men get together, it's always bad for the black man.". And Haw Haw Haw, more gay laughter from the Crew and the Crowd. Who wouldn't love a good bout of race-card humor? We play a few hands everyday here at work! It's fun!

Well, I doubt very much Stan will lose his job at CBS radio anytime soon - I think he has about one more year to go on that one year contract he just signed. And, Brendan, well let's just say he is like the Womper. The Womper is a big sail made for the front of the winning boat of the America' s cup race, as portrayed in the film "Wind", now playing near the IFC channel! It stars Matthew Modine as an unrespected genius of sail and the loooove interest cutie-pie sister of Ferris Bueler, what's-her-name-and-I-am-to-lazy-to-goggle-it!


So, It looks like S & G are back, at least in the "media" RIGHT NOW, as it will be the second to the lead story on Channel 9, 7, 5 , and 2 NEWS ! I might tune right now?

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Attittude? I can't even spell attittude! I'll let you know when I get one - just ask Roz!

Nothing pisses me off more than.....people saying I have an attitude.....when I am not having an attitude!

How DARE you?

But, I do hereby publicly apoligize to the lady in the orange shirt for "having" and attitude. Just make sure you read the syllabi.

Now it's your turn - next time; have your papers in order!