Tuesday, October 17, 2006

College of Lake County Library is for books. OK, mostly for books. Right?


- using the following links will help you visualize these ideas:

http://www.clcillinois.edu/maps/pdf/cwing1.pdf &


Last night I had a dream. Of rows and rows of books for everybody! Not so in the Murphy Memorial Library here at CLC. The first floor is the circ desk, study area, Artectera, Testing Center, Tutoring Emporium, offices, a classroom, and an open computer lab. Let's move some of that crap to another part of CLC. How about Southlake?

Ha. Just kidding. I am thinking: "Those old Electronic Lab classrooms could be converted into a large enough space (actually by floor space, this new lab space IDEA OF MINE would be now larger than currently in the LRC. Strike that, I mean in the Library!) Part of the new space would have to have at least one or two small offices built-in for monitor/lab rats.

The rooms I choose are: B155 & B156 or perhaps the old Electronics labs - or just one of them or one-and-a-half (again, B-wing)? Well, maybe. At least, out of the library, the users wouldn't have to be as quiet as they seem to be in the Library". Most people are fairly quiet in most libraries. But, in a converted classroom? Naw. Why?

You want to talk about intake? Look at Personnel. Look at Counseling.

Think "INSIDE" the box now. What do you see? A Foundation. I first see the CLC Foundation moving.

What I mean in the Theatre of my mind:

Move CLC Foundation into B153 & B154 (re apply classroom assignments there)

HR Moves to B128 & B129 & B135 through B139 (re apply classroom assignments there) & Hall is closed off with Front & Rear Entry doors Move Counseling into

B120 & B121 B122 & B123 stay as classrooms for training (NSO meetings, conferences, etc.)

B142 becomes Music Dept & Radio Audio Audition lab & classroom - B143 becomes Control Booth & waiting Area (re apply classroom assignments there)

CLC Radio moves to B162a,b,c & B141 & B140 (mostly as CD Storage/Audio Isolation for new Personnel offices)

LRC comp lab moves to B118 Financial Aid moves to B119

B117 REMAINS as Language Lab/Classroom

Registration, Records, & Student Dev Offices move across hall to all other (now) unused areas (actually gaining space because of Stairwell in current location taking away floor space)

Vacated Reg, StuDev, Records, now becomes the NEW BOOKSTORE moved from downstairs (mostly). Install dumb-waiter to "go below" for book storage.

In part of old bookstore (basement) a "quiet lounge" can be installed for students, as well as a STAFF LOUNGE for C-wing & b-wingers - with a wide carpeted Spiral Staircase from the NEW book store (NEAR and just outside the front doors of the NEW book store so when store is closed, people can still get to the newer lounges.)

Who did I leave out?

Oh ya, Theatre now has the vacated areas from old Personnel & old Foundation Offices to use!

Well, that's ONE idea of mine. And, obviously, the logistics would need to be worked out a little bit.

The StuDev/Bookstore moves can't start until Financial Aid moves and the Theatre can't move until personnel and or Foundation move.

The part-time faculty offices (currently being proposed for the Newer CLC Radio hub) could be moved to B132 thru B134 while B134 moves into StuDev or FinAid or Counseling or HR - whichever area is most appropriate.

The proposed new proximity of the Radio/Music Dept Audio Audition room would make wiring consolidation easy AND events programmed in the Audio room could be broadcast live.

Program Board Events held in the B-Court could be more easily broadcast live as well.

Moving the Radio Station there would be closer to Theatre and Main Lobby (if hope springs eternal - and I don't mean hot springs!)

The proposed vacated space of the current Student Activities area could become a new area for Campus Safety.

Also, when thinking of the newer areas described, there's no reason why the newer personnel area proposed couldn't swap with the newer Student Activities' area proposed (still with the idea of the double-doored hallway closed providing for extra floor space)!


So we want CLC to be more like the first 2 years of the 4-year experience?

To this question? DO we? Really?

Then let us start with the Students Rights & responsibilities Handbook thing.

Do we really want to curtail the Appeal Process already in place?


Should we expand the judicial Process of CLC to be more reflective of the first 2 years of a 4 year college?

I say: Yes.

Here's why:

Northern Illinois University
The Student Code of Conduct
(Effective August 8, 2006)

In general, what you may have read (after perusing NIU's Student Code of Conduct), really means: When at all possible, put the responsibility on the Student Organization for Judicial matters, and leave the smaller Club issues to a more general governing body - in our case, our SGA. In the latter case presented here, the SGA could form a Judicial committee to handle the small problems. But, if the Student Newspaper, or if CLC's Phi Theta Kappa chapter member commits a gaf, then an ad hoc group formed from non-infractors via the Chapter membership could adjudicate and form an opinion.

Now, you know you want to read the example set by NIU.



Still not convinced cha-chi? How about this quote from the document:

"In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a student
may inspect and review his/her judicial file upon request to the Judicial Affairs [Office - to be interpreted as: or any person or body in charge of such a file]."

Then again, this isn't news to those of us who have been trained in the FERPA.

Apologising on behalf of NIU, as far as typos go, even NIU can make a mistake like a typo once per academic year, I believe. That typo is no worse than CLC's own recent, "[a body] determined that decisions will be discussed and decided in [a time frame chosen]". Holy Crap, Batman, that doesn't even make any sense; the Riddler has done it again.

WARNING: When comparing the wording of NIU's version and CLC's version, many similarities were found. Copy/Paste. Although this method was delineated at meetings, mere declaration of copying does not constitute permission of same.

Decisions will be discussed and decided? I truly don't believe the horrific logic/grammar implied in this puzzle, but I thin I know what the person was trying to say.

Copyright 2006 Dan Prowse, Jr.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I just took the "Fight Club" test. I am now certified by the State of Illinois as being a most Ethical BITCH!

Of course, I took the test AFTER my shift was over and I used State Resources in order to take the test, which is ethical, since the test was related to work.

I think I beat Brent's time.