Monday, July 28, 2003

Adding last weeks arrivals...

The Kills 3 song single disc - Maybe they can cover for the Stripes' cancelled gigs?

Paint it Black's "CVA" - Well, it arrived - not going on since we have been sent (and McGathy, true to form, once again sends us the non-radio edit...) We can't air it - we can only give it away during CLC's WELCOME WEEK !!! Be there if you want the Uncut, Uncensored CDs we can't keep !!!

Just to set it straight, though, we don't mind recieving Exlicit CDs, its just that they are RARELY marked with the Advisory Label - and they should be marked. Ouch, I just stubbed my toe on the soapbox...

leaves is in.

Roscoe's CLEAN and KARAOKE "Smooth Sialin'" is in. from Young Roscoe Philiphornia

Garrison - the silhouette SITER record to "The Model" CDEP (BTW, spelled 'silhoutte' on inside jacket !! a collectors item). Don't let the 6 tracks foolya, that usually happens with a CD like this - all the tracks are seemlessly blended into one HUGE TRACK ! Good, though, lovely sound from the boys. But, there are really only 5 tracks.

The Wolf ! The ANDREW W.K. in stores 9-9-2003 but we HAVE the ADVANCE 3 song thing in the computerised sang system NOW!
The song 2 "Your Rules" is the perfect Suburban Anthem for you rascally kids that would BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOUR HUMAN BROTHER just because he won't wear the clothes of the day. What is going on, kids? Play nice!

Live Love Handles is in

All of The Dandy Worhols Monkey House is in.

DJ Dan LaBuda has been a DJ at CLC RADIO for 2 years running and there's just no stoppin' 'im. He has single handedly brought us Jawai'in music at its most earliest. We seem to get those CDs before the Hawai'in airwaves hit the Pauly Shores of California. And I think I should start writing hip and glib blurbs. Huh?
FROM State #50 (remember, Aleyska is #49) we have:

NINA (Nina Keali'iwahamana) and
Kohala and their Cool Breeze (jazz)

Tomorrow, then, we'll have 2 left from last week and tommorrow's lot to fill up on.

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