Thursday, September 08, 2005

CLC Radio's GM Journal

CLC Radio's GM Journal

OK, wrong blog, sorry.
YES, as I was saying on my other non-RSSed MoBlog, that actually experienced a server problem, shutting everyone and everything out - made it seem like someone had hacked my pw or un!
But, no, probably an ISP issue, or a MT issue - whcih is why comments should be forced with the whacky password typing thingy (am I smart , orwhat?). You know, that thing that stop sspammers dead in their trax.

If you are a pro spammer, dont EVER admit it to me, because what happens in GRayslake, stays in Grayslake - Bastard Boil-spewing spammers!

1 comment:

D to the P said...

I am posting a comment to myself about myself.