Friday, September 16, 2005

CLC Radio's GM Journal

CLC Radio's GM Journal

My musings and further clraifications to an accounting (emailed accounting) I was asked to make regarding a verbal repremand of a DJ. The repremand very recently prompted the same DJ to write, and apparently deliver over me, a note complaining of my repremand style:

Keep in mind, the hand written letter was not handed to me, but was essentially conveyed to me for brevity and in all pertinence, however, one conveyance was that of me having been quoted in the letter as having said "Get the fuck out of here " and "Get the fuck out of my face" - curious, as anyone who knows me, knows that the phrase "Get the fuck out of my face" is simply not part of my speech pattern - even when I am at my most angry, but certainly, I digress, and now the letter:

" Dear [One who is concerned],
I am presenting to you my account of a verbal reprimand I recently gave [this DJ], a current CLC Radio DJ. As per a policy of Program Director Roll and myself, any persons present in C103, CLC Radio DJ Studio, shall be contributing to the show at all times, not just hanging around. This policy is on the website for DJs to refer to. It is also available as a handout to anyone who needs to see it again, and again. In my view, although [this DJ] started out that hour clearly hanging and eating lunch while just previously having used the station seats as a personal book bag storage area, I had blown off some steam by complaining out loud as to a computer malfunction I was dealing with in the Staff Office, C103a.

My complaint was that of many pop-ups occurring on the 2 computers used by the staff in there, where just prior to my trying to alleviate the malady, our MD, Phil Bartnicki, had brought the computer issue to my attention.
There was at the same time a DJ show in progress. [Another person] and [this DJ] were apparently having an non-show (and I thought rather boisterous) conversation, quite possibly distracting the DJ. I let this slide for the time being.

.....added to this BLOG and not part of the letter, September 17th, 2005 1pm, because I just recalled it..... {...[this DJ] then turned in their seat, cupped their hands in the megaphone fashion, and whispered thruough this make-shift acustical device the phrase, "[Person who is not here to defend themselves] did it", meaning to say that this one person was at fault for causing the computer maladies I was currently repairing - to infer that [this DJ] has some evidence to back up their claim. My response was one of - paraphrase myself here - , "Perhaps, execpt that most of the damage is not on that person's regularly used computer, and I have seen more than 2 people use this other computer", words to that effect......

Just after my complaint out loud, [this DJ] felt the need to comment (I paraphrase) "..Well you did [assign] them keys and....give them [job] gives them [certain privileges]...they take the [ball and run with it]..." I could really only guess her intention at this point.

I was incredulous, asking "What does that have to do with computer access and proper use of computers [rather than go to websites that might be known for installing popup crap]. That [having keys and access and title] has absolutely nothing to do with why these computers are almost crippled to non-use!". *** "Tell me, go on and tell me why you think this?". [this DJ]'s answer was mainly that of "...Well, if you are going to have an attitude about it, them I'm not going to say anything...". I replied, "No. I'll be quiet, go ahead.". [this DJ] repeated their response. +++

I then blew off louder steam, [well yelling actually] "Attitude? Attitude? You have an attitude, do not play that game with me! If you are going to just sit around and eat lunch, not contribute to the show, or contribute to a solution for this [current computer] problem, then just get out. You can just get the hell out." " ......

(not part of the letter) [this DJ]'s final words before leaving the DJ studio was "I don't get you, man.". Their final spoken words were not "That was completely inappropriate, I am going to formally complain in a letter". No, in fact, [this DJ] is generally very difficult to "read" emotionally speaking, and other than a look of disappointment on [this DJ]'s face, I thought pretty much the end of the matter. Here I'm thinking, "you got served, now move on, or come back later and contribute". This, in fact might not end up as the case. Now, back to the letter:

......." Frankly, [One who is concerned], I am about 20% as steamed having to defend myself on this matter as I was at [this DJ] for non-contribution. But, it is one of my duties. Indeed if one were to replace my word "hell" with my word "fuck"

..... added {wherein i might have actually used the f word in addition to the h word} ......

"..., then I apologize and will , if instructed to do so, apologize as publicly as you deem fit to [this DJ]. [Another person] may be able to fill in any blanks on my or [this DJ]'s part [or recollection, as this reprimand occurred only at the end of last week or the beginning of this week]. But, we must keep in mind, I don't recall whether or not the [Another person] was really contributing much to the "On-Air" DJs show at the time, but [Another person] may have changed their course. "

I will add that the policy of computer use for students is not a policy that we at CLC Radio have manufactured, it is a policy of our college, and according to the Student Rights & responsibilities handbook, should be followed.

Also, I suppose in some large way, putting this letter up here as an (anonymously enough) apology is not my intention, unless [this DJ] wants to assume it an apology. In the latter, great for both of us. Remember, there are other policies of the station, that if followed to the letter, might not have the best effect for anyone concerned - including myself.

*** A final thought: if I had not been so burdened last week previously with my current personal grief, I might have wanted to retort with some wit - rather than go the route of eviL task-Master Kick-out guy - to [this DJ] with my recent thought that,

"Even though one might have Keys, Access, privledge, and Title to a motor vehicle, one wouldn't want to drive about town with the windows wide open during a thunderstorm - without occasionally stopping to open the doors to let some or all of the water out of the car!"

If you don't get this analogy, then get the "hell" out of college!

"... and then some.",
B. Willis' character of and in "The Last Boy Scout".

A SlamPoem:

This is my personal, paid-for blog, I own the site,
and own the copyright
to the letter I sent.
It and I stay.
thanks for reading this crap - I hope I made you're day.
Drop the pen!
Nothing to see here, put the poison pen down.

I had a lot more on my mind recently, as you can see in this blog, nothing to do with CLC Radio per se, but none the less I wasn't in my best mood.

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