Saturday, September 02, 2006

The 2nd installment of the LAIR REPORT

As of September 1st, guessed correctly! Someone in authority actually went down to the LAIR and HEARD how damned loud the one TV was and FIXED IT. There was also a change, a rotation, of channels. And that after one administrator said, "We aren't changing the channels...bla bla...". Dude, whatever.

This is thoughorghly amazing, as generally, it takes that person a very long time to agree to anything proposed (misinformed, miscomunicating, almost Ludite in fact). The sky is blue, "no it isn't", barring any dicsussion of physics, however.

This is a journal of my opinions, as outlined above, and I write in it when I am happy, sad, or pissed. I guess on this issue I am all three. Equally.

HA!, WAH!, and GRRRH!

Now, on the WARNING front: WARNING: Surf or work at your own risk is the watch-phrase from IT staff. DO NOT expect to do important work or even long-assed downloads of huge ZIP files.

1st, the large ZIP files wil hang about half-way through, and you will have to reboot the computer

2nd, rebooting the computer will bring it bcak to its original DAY ONE installed state of being. LIKE NEW. NOTHING ON IT. It won't even remember your IM settings. Is this kind of an oops? I don't know yet. The jury is still out on this issue. I wouldn't even call it an issue. Just BE CAREFUL and mind that reset button - touch it and say good bye to ANYTHING you did up to that point. You will NOT be able to UNDELETE the missing work. So just relax and enjoy browsing through all the computer hardware porn you can stand, as no website has been forbidden. Yet.

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