Saturday, September 02, 2006

Trillian AND GAIM signing into MSN hotmail/MSN Live still a problem?

The Trillian MSN hotmail/Live signin problem may soon be solved, according to the latest (September 1) report from Admin of the Trillian forums, amoeba, that Scotty the engineer at Trillian's Cerulean Studios has been informed by amoeba that the signin problem that begun on August 13th is real and actually happening - to amoeba! And, probably Scott as well.

So here's to hope!

12-23-2006 Add-in
Forget it.

Both GAIM and Trillian have given up on trying to fix an extremely fixable situation (it only involves adding a feature to both where the end user can change the parameters needed for proper sign-ons; usch as server name and proper ports).

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