Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Curtis Gentry Show?

The Curtis Gentry Show? On another radio station? We didn't even know he was interested. He never came to us, and you can bet Bish didn't come to him with the idea.

CLC has its own radio station,, perfectly capable of producing a Sports Talk & Opinion show, as well as all the other AWARD WINNING shows we do! Mr. Gentry is a faculty member at CLC!

Why anyone employed by CLC would want to compete with us using a completely unaffiliated station (and it better remain that way), frankly just pisses me off and should piss off all Lake County tax payers, students, and especially employees of CLC. Was there absolutely NO REASON to send Kent Korth, CPAA, The Lancers House Announcer and CLC Radio's PxP Announcer down to the Danville, Spring 2006 Playoffs? Korth is a certified Public address Announcer of the NASPAA (National association of Sports Public address Announcers). He is also the House Announcer for the Lake County Lakers.

That better not change. If this college, College of Lake County, spends one thin dime for a local LPFM station to go anywhere but Round Lake - instead of its own in-house experts going, then I won't be the only one going to board meetings.

I just hope that he doesn't ramble on about CLC Sports, because is the goddam VOICE OF of CLC SPORTS. Mainly, Coach Gentry's show is Football Talk - a call in show.

Curtis? Didn't Shawn bring anything to the table? Should we blame him for not making you aware of

Should we even bother to archive the past games' broadcasts? (YES, we will, always, as long as WE do it).

Get Curtis to do a show on, and I will say no more about the Lobby. That is, until he agrees, then of course it will be business as usual, which by the way is always improving, so don't fix it!

CLC Radio - always improving our controversial skills. Besides, controversy and in-fighting is what sports broadcasting is all about.

" the ball, Danny, be the ball......."

I don't blame Curtis, or that other station - I blame the media - that's right, I blame the poor usage of all-distribution emails! That last one reminded me of the one I sent, and got my wrist slapped for. You should have CTS by now!

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