Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lobby: Intermission Impossible



I guessed 37 cents.

I won the money.

If I were to use the pond to make a wish, I would wish for more clear discussion into the use of Lexan.

Here are some links (my idea from 9 years ago)

The idea here is to propagate better thinking in the Lobby design and use.

Surround the whole Main Lobby in Lexan walls. Install a second level of Lexan flooring above the Main Lobby. Put a roof (recently: not my idea) of Lexan over the courtyard between the ML and CL. Wow, huh?

You could also put a second level Lexan floor in the C-wing above the Auditorium Lobby. The wall between the Glass Lounge and Auditorium Lobby should be Lexan.

The cost of Lexan (and possibly Peek) per lf/sf is identical to Sheetrock installation at 6 inches thick.


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